You don't have to do this alone. The Birchwood Group team is with you through creation and design, development, implementation and then for guidance and support on an ongoing basis.Your graphic look and design are integrated into Update On-the-NetTM...Set-up and ready to go!
The following is a more detailed description of the modules and features offered.
- Content managed web page creation
to include: - web pages with editable page content [text, graphics, photos,styles Flash elements, etc.] - multiple column formatting - menu options - sub-pages - header and footer links - repeating content blocks - links - image upload area with image library - meta data and site settings - database driven reporting- through Update On-the-Net back end - automatic email notification
- Navigation - menu and submenu functionality
Main menu and drop down sub-menus leading to inner content pages
- Global Navigation - header and footer links
at the top and bottom of every page standard links t home, contact us, privacy statement, sitemap
- Contact Us module
a link and/or button to a customized form for people wishing to contact your company. They simply fill out basic information and hit send. Then automatically… - a thank you page is displayed - a personalized email confirmation is sent to the person making the inquiry - an email notification is sent to your web administrator - and the information is stored in your sites SQL Contact Us database
- All Froms provide databases with retrievable reports downloadabel to Excel
The Birchwood team works with you as additional modules are set-up, integrated into your website, become functional and you are trained in their use.
> web site add-ons |